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Company profile

    Founded in Aug,1999, Shandong Gold Phoenix Co., Ltd, as a national high-tech enterprise, mainly manufactures braking friction materials and its products for the global market. Our company has been listed on the main board of Shanghai Stock Exchange in April 6th, 2017,(Stock Code: 603586).

    Now, we have more than 6,700 part numbers for brake pads and brake shoes, 4,500 varieties for brake disc, with annual production capacity of 30 million sets for brake pads and shoes, and 6.0 million pieces for brake disc. Over 80% of braking products are exported to more than 70 countries and regions around the world. We are long-term partner with many international well-known auto parts dealers, and we are also excellent OE supplier for famous vehicle manufacturers like Daimler. 

    We are authorized as “National Auto Parts Export Base Enterprise, Leading Enterprise of China Auto Parts Brake Linings Industry, Outstanding Contribution Enterprise of China Friction Material Industry, Leading Enterprise of China Friction Material Industry”. We are certified by China Customs as the advanced certification enterprise of AEO . Our technology center has been authorized as national technology center.

Address:999 Fule Road,Leling City,Shandong ProvinceTelephone:0534-2119777Email:ad@chinabrake.com
Customer Hot Line
Shandong Gold Phoenix Co., Ltd 魯ICP備09094153號
盐津县| 六安市| 榆社县| 富川| 宜章县| 东丰县| 丰台区| 英吉沙县| 余姚市| 五常市| 庆阳市| 林芝县| 京山县| 临泽县| 辽源市| 苗栗市| 凤山县| 安仁县| 肇东市| 怀仁县| 古浪县| 保山市| 津市市| 五大连池市| 邢台县| 宁武县| 鹤庆县| 泸州市| 天等县| 谢通门县| 天镇县| 台山市| 西青区| 沙湾县| 朝阳区| 资溪县| 资溪县| 前郭尔| 武川县| 天气| 新泰市|